
Travel Documents

As the summer months are approaching and vacations are being planned, EIS staff want to make sure you are ready for whatever travel lies ahead. This includes keeping your immigration documents and visas up to date.

If you are a Canadian Citizen, check the expiry date on your passport. Renewing your passport takes 10-20 business days plus mail time.

If you are a Permanent Resident, make sure to check the expiry date on your PR Card as well as your passport. You cannot return to Canada with an expired PR Card and can only renew your card within Canada. If you are outside of Canada with an expired PR Card, you will have to apply for a PRTD (Permanent Resident Travel Document). The PRTD can only be requested outside of Canada. A PRTD takes a minimum of 3 weeks to be processed.

If you are a Work or Study Permit holder and are planning to travel, you will need a valid travel document to return to Canada. A Work/Study Permit is not a travel document. You will need a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to return to Canada. Make sure to check the expiry date on your permit, passport, and travel document before travelling outside of Canada.

For any additional questions regarding travel, you can speak to any of our settlement facilitators. Please note, EIS staff are not immigration consultants. Settlement Facilitators can give general information regarding immigration documents and will refer if needed.